Time   Card   Calculator
Scroll Down For Instructions

NOTE: This is the only time card calculator on this website in which the minutes are input as hundredths of an hour.

For example, 9:30 a.m. is input as 9.50 and 1:45 is input as 1.75.



1) There is no need to enter time as 'a.m.' 'p.m.' or '24 hour' time.
2) Instead of entering times with a colon (e.g. 11:30), use a decimal point.
    So 11:30 is input as 11.50
(or for greater ease, just enter 11.5)
    Whole hours may be entered without any decimal points.
3) In order to get a total in the right hand column, all four boxes in that row must be filled in.

4) IMPORTANT >>>>>   If an employee has NO 'break' in their daily hours, enter their 'IN' and 'OUT' times in the first 2 columns and then zeroes for the second pair of 'IN' and 'OUT' times.

5) When an employee's weekly time has been entered, click 'CALCULATE' to obtain the totals.
6) Hit 'RESET' to clear the boxes so that the next employee's hours may be input.

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